Batter Recipe for Buttermilk Crepes

    This Tangy Batter is Perfect for Your Favorite Dessert Crepe Filling Recipes

Buttermilk crepes

You simply have to try our crepe batter recipe for buttermilk crepes!

They're a welcome change to our basic recipe and you'll be surprised how well these tangy crepes are the perfect complement for any of your favorite dessert crepe fillings. Especially kids love them!

Use only organic buttermilk if possible - the difference in taste and texture is amazing. And the positive effects on your health can't be underestimated.

For toppings or fillings I recommend our strawberry or blueberry  recipes. It'll make a delightful dessert!

Or, you could simply serve them warm with fruit and a drizzle of our vanilla-maple syrup.


  • ¾ cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp of melted butter
  • 1¼ cups of buttermilk
  • 2 tbsp of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ tsp of salt

How to Make the Buttermilk Batter

Combine all ingredients into a blender and mix until well-blended.

You may also combine them by hand. If combining by hand, mix the eggs and milk separately and combine slowly with the dry ingredients. Mix in the melted butter last.

Important: Refrigerate the batter for at least 30 minutes. This gives the batter the opportunity to rest and fully come together.

Yield: 10 8-inch or 12 6-inch crepes

How To Make Crepes in 6 Easy Steps. Now that you've made your batter, we highly recommend that you read this detailed list of instructions—from flipping the crepe to storing them until ready to use.

Return from Buttermilk Crepes to more Batter Recipes.

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