
by Kroocrew

The pouring funnel

The pouring funnel

Roti Jala

Roti Jala is the Malaysian version of crepe. Its traditional lacy shape comes from a funnel that has 5 little holes.
This dish is widely available during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. It is cooked briefly on a hot pan or griddle and served with rich curries.

1 cup all purpose flour
a pinch of salt
1 cup of water
1 light beaten egg
1/3 cup of coconut milk (dairy milk is less fragrant but fine)
1/4 tsp of turmeric powder - colors the batter.
Sift flour and mix all ingredients in a bowl. A whisk ensures there are no lumps in the batter. Prepare the pan as you would for any crepe
Scoop some of the batter with the funnel and swirl it quickly over the hot pan. The batter will cook in a minute or two. Don't flip, but fold into quarters (triangular shape).
This batter makes 9 roti jala. Serve the crepes with a spicy prawn sambal or any Indian or Malaysian curry dish.

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