Fixed Crepe Pan? How Do You Swirl?

by Teresita
(Saltillo, Coah. Mexico)

Hi, I'm from Mexico (Sorry for my English, but I hope you can understand me). I love make crepes (crepas here!) and I have a question. Recently I bought a crepe pan but it is fixed, I mean I can't swirl the pan around, How can I extend the batter onto the pan if I can't move the pan?

Thanks for your help!

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Feb 14, 2010
Crepe Spreader
by: Ashley

Teresita, great question. You simply need a "crepe spreader" which is an inexpensive tool used to spread the batter evenly around your pan, eliminating the need to swirl.

Many commercial crepe-makers, from France to Russia, also have fixed pans which allow them to make much bigger crepes than the home cook.
These cooks use the crepe spreader. The spreader varies in length and exact shape but it is generally made out of wood in the shape of the letter "T." It looks a little like a garden rake.

wooden crepe spreader Here is a picture.

Write us back and tell us more about the fillings for your crepas! I have an old issue of Bon Appetit magazine that discusses the cuisine of Mexico. It included a very short article and recipe for Mexican crepes that featured caramel and walnuts.

Best wishes, and thanks for writing!

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