Smores Crepes

by Missy
(Graham, N.C. )

Smores Dessert Crepes with Melted Chocolate and Marshmallows

Smores Dessert Crepes with Melted Chocolate and Marshmallows

Let me start this crepe recipe with a story. Recently, on a very cold night, we decided to toast marshmallows by the fireplace. We were planning to make s'mores but then realized that we were out of graham crackers!

Luckily, we remembered that we had leftover crepes. The resulting dessert was an unexpected and delicious departure from the usual crepe filling. And guess what? We didn't even miss the graham crackers!

For 4 Crepes

16 giant marshmallows
2 8 oz. semi-sweet candy bars, broken into pieces
4 dessert crepes (8-inches each)

Toast your marshmallows until the desired level of brownness. Place four melted marshmallows inside each warmed crepe. Add as much chocolate as you want, and roll up. As soon as the chocolate starts to melt, serve immediately.

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did!

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Dec 19, 2009
Marshmallows and Crepes
by: Ashley

Now that's creative! Sounds yummy. Perfect for a chilly winter night. Thanks Missy!

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