Storing Crepe Batter

How long I should store crepe batter in the fridge for multiple uses? Is there an expiration date?

Reply from Ashley, World of Crepes:

Great question. If you're like me, and you enjoy making a double batch of batter (or two) for multiple uses, you may end up with a little extra in the fridge. While I do frequently mix up batter the night before to save time, I generally don't keep it more than 2-3 days in the fridge.

Keeping batter any longer than that will cause the components to break down and destroy the overall integrity of the mixture.

Enjoy your crepes!

World of Crepes

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Mar 12, 2011
Freezing Crepes
by: Anonymous

I always make extra crepes. Then I layer them on a plate with wax/foil in between each layer and put them in the fridge. They are so easy to thaw, either by warming in a pan or a minute in the microwave.

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