skim milk or not skim milk

by Theo

I made crepes 3 times now. the first two they came out great. The 3rd time I used 1 1/2 cup of skim milk and about 6 tablespoons of butter by accident. Well when I tried to flip them they tore and some fell apart. Was the problem too much butter with skim milk, or not waiting long enough for them to cook in the pan?

Also If I use skim milk I probably don't need to use water right? Which do you like better whole or skim milk? Thanks for your time!

Reply by World of Crepes

Hello Theo,

if you have a look at my Basic Crepe Batter you can see that it's done with skim milk but without water.

I recommend to always stick to the recipe you have. Once you're comfortable with making crepe batters, then you can start with your own variations.

But it's important to vary only one thing at a time, otherwise you won't know which change worked out and which didn't.

So the answer is: yes you can use skim milk, but you can also use whole milk, it depends on the recipe you use.

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