Crepe Batter Recipe

Buckwheat Crepes

buckwheat crepes with blackberry preserves

Want to try a different crepe batter recipe? Try a traditional crepe from Brittany made with buckwheat flour. 

There, they are called galettes and are often eaten hot off the crepe pan, served only with melted butter. They also serve them filled with ham, cheese, and egg, or jam, as pictured above. 


  • ⅔ cup of buckwheat flour
  • ⅓ cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1¼ cups skim milk
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt

Combine all ingredients into a blender and mix until well-blended. You may also combine them by hand. If combining by hand, mix the eggs and milk separately and combine slowly with the dry ingredients. Mix in the melted butter last. Important: Refrigerate the batter for at least 30 minutes. This gives the batter the opportunity to rest and fully come together. 

In France, people celebrate a special holiday on February 2 known as La Chandeleur by cooking and serving crepes. For fun, they hold crepe-flipping contests and while clasping a coin in one hand, try to single-handedly flip the crepe. Those who successfully catch the crepe will enjoy a prosperous year.

This recipe turns out thin, tan-colored and very appetizing crepes. This recipe works well with any crepe filling, sweet or savory. It's also rich in fiber and the buckwheat flour itself is gluten-free. For a completely gluten-free crepe, substitute the regular all-purpose flour below with a gluten-free alternative.

Ready to make your crepes? Go to How to Make Crepes for the 6 Easy Steps to turn out perfect crepes every time.

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