Blue Steel Crepe Pan


It is made of cold, rolled steel and is sometimes referred to as a black steel pan. This pan is widely used in France, where the history of crepes began.

The design has changed very little since the 1600s. It's a thin pan with a very shallow rim, and with a long, slim handle.

As I demonstrate in How to Make Crepes in 6 Easy Steps, all of these factors make for a very easy swirl. This pan does need to be lightly greased. I usually brush it with a little oil or butter before making the first crepe but find that this is plenty for making a batch of up to 10 crepes.

You may easily find a crepe pan at a specialty kitchen or gourmet food store.

How to care for your blue steel crepe pan: This pan is made of steel so it is extremely resilient. You may use any type of utensils with this pan, either metal, wood, or silicone. As with the cast-iron pan, just clean by wiping with a paper towel. You will find that any residue can be easily removed this way. It is not necessary to clean with soap and water; it is best to limit contact with water because it can rust. Store in a dry, dust-free area.

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